(809) Lundia
(1459) Magnya
(1904) Massevitch
(2432) Soomana
(2508) Alupka
(2566) Kirghizia
(2763) Jeans
(2823) van der Laan
(3782) Celle
(3782) Celle - the period of primary
(3782) Celle - the orbital period
(4005) Dyagilev
(4383) Suruga - the primary period
(4383) Suruga - the orbital period
(4434) Nikulin - the primary period
(4434) Nikulin - the orbital period
(5150) Fellini
(5240) Kwasan
(5379) Abehiroshi
(5604) 1992 FE
(8761) Crane
(9917) Keynes
(9917) Keynes - other possible period?
(10160) Totoro
(16452) Goldfinger
(24604) Vasilermakov
(30872) 1992 EM17
(35062) Sakuranosyou