(809) Lundia
(1904) Massevitch
(2045) Peking
(2432) Soomana
(2566) Kirghizia
(3613) Kunlun
(3782) Celle
(5150) Fellini
(5379) Abehiroshi - very roughly only half of assumed long period (with expected two maxima and two minima) is presented
(6976) Kanatsu
(10537) 1991 RY16
(10987) 1967 US
(13730) Willis
(14383) 1990 OY3
(16491) 1990 SA3 - maybe binary
(16491) 1990 SA3 - detail of suspected attenuation in one session after ligtcurve of primary is subtracted
(17469) 1991 BT
(18651) 1998 FP11
(19738) Calinger
(20557) Davidkulka
(43306) 2000 GW157